
Cigar Mold – Thierry Bamas x illDESIGN France

20.00 HT

Discover the Cigar mold used by chef and Meilleur Ouvrier de France Thierry Bamas to create his trompe-l’œil Cigar that’s truer than life.

Thanks to this silicon mold, you’ll be able to reproduce this cigar, the secrets of which Thierry Bamas shares with you in his workshops.


Discover the Cigar mold used by chef and Meilleur Ouvrier de France Thierry Bamas to create his trompe-l’œil Cigar that’s truer than life.

Material: Platinium Silicone for food use
Temperature range: -70°C / +180°C
Mold weight: 225g
Mold dimensions: 145x162x24mm
Cigar size: 20x130x20mm
5 impressions per mold

Weight 625 g
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